“Why is everyone so secretive about finances?”
“How much does my neighbor make?”
“I feel like I’m making a lot of money but where does it all go?”
“What’s my financial situation going to look like in 10yrs?”
“Am I paying too much for that?”
Here, I will help answer these questions.
Who is Hyrum Gray?
I am a husband, I am a father, I am an accountant, I am an entrepreneur, I am frugal (some say cheap) & I love finances.
I graduated from Utah Valley University with an accounting degree. During school, I worked multiple bookkeeping jobs. After graduation, I did an accounting internship. Then I worked in corporate accounting & starting out I believed I would be in that same career for 40yrs until retirement.
Then my wife, Courtney, started a business, Tnee’s. Click here to view her business. I quit the corporate grind to help her improve her business & started the entrepreneurial route. I’ve always been obsessed with personal finance. Then I created a passion for small business finances.
How H.M.Gray Blog Began
I’ve always documented & tracked ALL of our personal finances as well as the business finances for Tnee’s. I used to believe that everyone did something similar but I was wrong. The truth is hardly anyone really knows their own finances. Even scarier is most small business owners don’t know their financials.
So I decided that I would start talking more openly about finances. This started with me talking candidly with my family & close friends about how much they make & how they spend their income. Then I started posting finance questions & statements on my own facebook page & I loved hearing other peoples’ ideas & views.
Then I began to realize that these conversations where mutually beneficial & highly enjoyable. That led people asking me for help & guidance with their finances. Now provide tons of free content & offer paid consulting.
The Vision for This Blog
My goal is to make families & small business owners more aware of their financial situation. That is going to start by getting more people to talk & be open about how much they make & what they do with that income.
For those wanting to go at it alone, I want to provide content that will help them succeed. I also provide individual financial consulting for small business owners.